kaya nya mayoritas cewe suka banget belanja, malah saking suka nya jadi tergila gila
i am one of them,
a girl who will be freaking out and begging to her mother just for buy a new clothes
kaya nya aneh yah shopaholic kaya jadi semacam penyakit aneh yang ga bisa disembuhin (obat nya cuma duit buat beli baju LOL)
kalo ga beli suatu barang rasanya kepengen banget, such a weird feeling that can't be explain
beli baju selalu ga ada habis nya, setiap ada model baju baru kaya na langsung masuk ke list have-to-buy secara otomatis
we're never be satisfied to have the new clothes
senen lalu, gua am temen temen pergi ke mall Taman Anggrek
walau sedikit kecewa karena musim BIG SALE jakarta udah berakhir cuma lumayan lah masi ad beberapa toko yang masih sale
we're doing such a girl thing, shopping shopping and shopping
it's such a nice day with my girls, we went home with hands full of shopping bag

every woman thought shopaholic is a good disease
who say that spend lots your money is not a fun activity?
shopping is one of it ;3
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