Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

big hurt in my feet

Maybe I'm a little girl who live in my 16 years old body
Something happened today
When I walked to my course suddenly I fell down
What a not good moment (memperhalus kata)

It's so hurt till now
Well, luka na seh ga gede tapi sakit na GEDE BGT alias SGT PERIH

Today there's a embarrassed moment
First, the luka (I don't know the english) is not hurt
But when I got to my course class, it became so HURT

And guess what?
I'm crying!!!
OMG, I don't know how crazy I am so I can be like child
Everyone starring at me but I was still crying
And then my teacher (ko will) take me to the outside and take care my (luka)
his medicine was made my (luka) more hurt

After the class ko will talked about my story to all my course friend
And the just laugh of it
What a embarrassed moment -___-