Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

where's my heart?

I'm lost my heart, am I a robot?
I do not have heart anymore, can I like that?

Why human have heart?
If it just have to be broken

Why I am not a robot?
If I can live happy with no heart

Why there is a smile?
If the smile is just a fake

Why there is a laugh?
If it is just for a while

Why I lost in my path?
While I'm walking in my path

Why there is a love?
If some people just like to play it like a game

Why there is a broken heart?
Maybe to know how hard this world

where's the sky?

when the rain crying and the sun hiding
where I can find my moon?
there no sky anymore

rain has made me sick
and the sun never show up to heal me

the clouds always scare to lose the sky
but it never realize that there is no more sky

the clouds always pretend that the sky hasn't gone
the clouds never say how much it's hurted for making rain

the clouds just smile and waiting the sun will come

but the secret : sun will never come

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010


When is the hardest week in every year?
It's when you have to pass the FINAL EXAM

The evil's week that will absorb all of you energy
I felt like I'm just till bone right know

I'm just so exhausted to pass this week
I rather to choose do a month to go to school that PASS FINAL EXAM WEEK

My bed time isn't enough
I always wish God give me another 12 hour for each day
It's never enough time to study or do the test

My eyes always bugs bugs (berkunang - kunang) everytime I see the numbers or words on paper test

I just hope this week will end soon

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

goodbye my class

One year has passed, so fast
I even can't count all days that I have passed

I stilled feel yesterday is the first time I came to the school
MABIS (masa orientasi siswa) day
But now, it's the time to go to 11th grade

It's the time to say goodbye
I'm so super sad must leave all of those comfortable
All our laugh, our jokes, our tears, our sadness, our happiness

There will be no more like this
Everything will become different after this

No more jokes about abab, susi and samgar (my classmate)
No more our laugh to bully our teacher (william)
No more delivery food to class anymore
No more (kerusuhan di kelas)

Ohh, I will miss those of all
If I can, I will stop the time so we will be like this
But the time will walk, and people change
we will be older and older
We will always have farewell

What I just can say,
I love you my class X5, so much sweet moment that we have passed
Even we're not together in the same class anymore
Our moment always be in my deep heart

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

my daddy's birthday

Today my daddy's age is become 43 years old
Not young age anymore
It's really usual if we compare with my ages(the daughter) is 16
We celebrated it with the old ways (family tradition)

In the morning, we took the cake from the freezer
When already he went down from upstair
We sang birthday song
After that same with all birthday party
(Tiup lilin, ptong kue, and etc)

We gave him T-shirt as present
First, we already bought a mug with daddy word on it
But unfortunately my brother has broken it into pieces -__-

Even he is older now
But he still the same for me
Dad, I haven't be a nice girl please forgive me
Later I promise one day I will be a woman that would carry you forever

Love you dad,

Your beloved daughter
Ririn (nickname)

Senin, 17 Mei 2010


I'm so crazy right now like burned in the hell
Crazy pump like a crocodile
I have dirty flower in my vase

I've been traped by the lion
My brain is going to explode soon
Make all my dream go on
The key has lost in my heart
The knife has scratched it

The darkness has come
Close my eyes with silent scream and white tears
All those eyes make me naked like their pet

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

A midsummer night's dream

It was the name of charity night tonight in SMAK PENABUR GADING SERPONG
For information, it has same name with shakespeare's novel

The charity night is full of dance and drama
The drama is so funny, especially when 5 stupid people's scene
And the dancing was fantastic
I like both of them
And don't forget the amazing orchestra by my senior Yakub
It help the drama become so real in our ears

Even not all the scene is so interesting
But it's so superb charity night
Good job all my senior
Hope next year will be better than this


What's movie that I don't like?
H-O-R-R-O-R and T-H-R-I-L-L-E-R
yah, kalo nonton itu rasa nya roh gua keluar dri tubuh *lebay
hahaa, nearly die to watch it

Well, rasa na nonton bioskop film macam itu sia sia banget
Selama film gua cm bakal melatih olah vocal gua (teriak sampe satu bioskop denger)
Atau memejamkan mata seperti mau tidur
Atau menangis kaya orang bego yang ga di kasih permen

And now, I'm watching NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET
suer dah serem abis
merinding banget nonton nya

Arghh, really want to get out from this studio

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

i'm a girl robot with half heart

Who am I?
I know my name but always lost my way to find my self
This world like an outstanding drama in everyone life
You're the director and I'm just an artist

An artist that must smile when her heart is crying
And must laugh where the nothing funny
Cheer up everyone with her movie
But cannot look to her deep heart
Say "do not like" is forbidden maybe
Always smile and like that comes from lips

Even there is a script in my hand
My eyes cannot read it because the tears cover them
The light in the studio cannot light up my heart
The applause from people cannot make my tears stop melting in heart

When it's a mellow movie and I'm crying on it
It's fell like it's my real tears
Tears that I can't show in my life
The tears of my heart

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

my sweety teacher

Well, guru bahasa indonesia gua tercinta pa aji yg kepala na botak memberi tugas untuk wawancara
Sebenar na ptama kali bingung juga bt cari topik wawancara yg menarik
Akhir gua memilih mam jul, mantan guru fisika smp gua

Ada cerita menarik di diri dia,
Mam jul terdeteksi mengidap tumor otak setahun yang lalu
Saat mendengar hal itu rasa na kasian banget yah

Katanya pertama kali dia cuma ngerasa pusing trus mata kiri na buram
Di cm ngira minus na nambah (mam jul emang pake kacamata sblm na)
Nah pas ke dokter tanyata kata na retina mata na rusak
Trus dia d lasik (smcm oprasi mata)
Tapi oprasi na ga membuahkan hasil

Stelah direkomen am tetangga na trus mam jul pergi berobat k singapur
Abis d lakukan MRI (scan otak) nah baru ktahuan kalo selama ini dia mengidap tumor otak
Kata na saat mendengar hal itu di berasa kaya lagi mimpi
Dia sedih bgt (pas gua dgr ini dari dia, g jg lgsg sedih)

Lalu mam jul oprasi dan bed rest slama 1 bulan
Ga perlu waktu yg lama, 3 bulan setelah tumor na terdeteksi
Mam jul langsung sembuh total
Mukzijat banget kan????
Kata na dia, itu atas berkat doa orang orang terdekat na

Sekarang dia dah menjalani hidup sebagai guru dengan normal
Wlau pun dengan kepala yang ehem yah botak karena oprasi
Dia hidup sehat dan bahagia sekarang
Live happy always yah mam :)

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

big hurt in my feet

Maybe I'm a little girl who live in my 16 years old body
Something happened today
When I walked to my course suddenly I fell down
What a not good moment (memperhalus kata)

It's so hurt till now
Well, luka na seh ga gede tapi sakit na GEDE BGT alias SGT PERIH

Today there's a embarrassed moment
First, the luka (I don't know the english) is not hurt
But when I got to my course class, it became so HURT

And guess what?
I'm crying!!!
OMG, I don't know how crazy I am so I can be like child
Everyone starring at me but I was still crying
And then my teacher (ko will) take me to the outside and take care my (luka)
his medicine was made my (luka) more hurt

After the class ko will talked about my story to all my course friend
And the just laugh of it
What a embarrassed moment -___-

Senin, 10 Mei 2010

God's secret

Can you imagine your self?
How God can make you like that?
Can you wonder if you change to be another person?

Now you are born as a girl but how if you are change into a boy?
Now you are born as a boy but how if you are change into a girl?

You are born in rich family now, but how if you are born in poor family?

What is God's secret?
Why You make us like this?
We will never know why we are like this
Until you find the goal of your life

late surprise party

Well actually my friend birthday was two weeks ago
But we haven't gave anything
Nah, hari ini kita semua membuat kejutan dengan kasi kado
It's just a bag for the present
But she liked it so much
How happy am I?
Yeah, even I'm not near her again now because we are not in the same class
But I believe that our heart always must be together

So sad that I can't show you all the picture
It's in blue and brown colour, good combination

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

family community

I've a new family
It's called FC or family community
Jadi fc itu smacam kelompok persekutuan doa
Di sini kita bisa share semua masalah kita dan memperkaya iman kita

Hari ini pertama kali gua ikut FC
Sesuatu yg menyenangkan
Acara hari ini diisi dengan renungan serta games games menarik
D akhir acara kita semua share tentang semua masalah kita

I felt like I got a new family member
Thank's for Rival as the mentor

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

yeah, i'm sleepy girl

Kalo semua orang di tanya apa hobi nya pasti macem macem
But I have a simple hobby
What is it?
S - L - E - E - P - I - N - G
I don't know for what reason but I always sleep anytime there is a chance
ga peduli di rumah, sekolah, les atau tempat mana pun (terutama di sekolah)
well anytime I can do I'll do even during the lesson
Dan beruntung na, aku ini penidur ulung yang jarang ketahuan guru pas tidur di kelas
Mungkin karena terlalu sering gua sekarang udah jadi pro haha
I'm not a sleeping beauty but I'm a sleeping lover

what God had change me

You came to my dark side
Give a light in my heart that full of sin
Make my tears be happiness for me
Before, I'm a prisoner in sin's jail
But now I'm free
Before, I always forget to pray for you
But you still give me bless everyday
You gave me a smile
The happiest smile in my life
Thank's God for come to my life